
April 15, 2023

30 Eco-Friendly Products to Reduce Waste in Style

Are you looking for a way to lead a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle without sacrificing your creative spark? If so, you're in luck! We've compiled a selection of eco-friendly products that are as stylish as they are sustainable. Many of these green gifts offer an aesthetically-appealing alternative to single-use plastic, including a reusable, floral-printed shopping bag and a convenient metal straw.


March 30, 2023

公司从C创建肉丸ells of an Extinct Woolly Mammoth

Traditional meat production is a leading stressor on the environment, as it's a known fact that raising livestock produces an incredible amount of greenhouse gases. As the world races against time to cut emissions, some companies are doing their part by showing how meat can be produced without livestock. And now one Australian company has created a meatball from the cells of an extinct woolly mammoth in order to bring attention to the process.


March 18, 2023

13,000 Solar Panels Will Help Power JFK Airport’s ‘New Terminal One’

纽约肯尼迪(肯尼迪)国际航空port is getting an upgrade. Its New Terminal One, which started construction in 2022, was designed with both beauty and sustainability in mind. The $9.5 billion project includes a microgrid to power the terminal. This new power system is an innovative answer to the energy crisis and would allow the New Terminal One to operate without the city's power grid during emergencies. The microgrid will produce 11.

