
July 2, 2023

Moody Settings Reveal What People Are Feeling in Uncanny Portrait Paintings

New York-based artist Xiao Wang masterfully sets the mood in his portraits with uncanny environments. Although realistically rendered, the color palettes have a slightly distorted quality that speaks to what each figure is feeling or thinking at the moment. From swirling violet clouds to blue-toned leaves, these backgrounds help us understand what Wang's subjects are trying to say—but cannot. Originally from China, Wang's experience as an immigrant has a major influence on his portraits.


July 1, 2023

Expressive Abstract Paintings Depict the Turbulent Landscape of Human Psyche

Vibrant blues and yellows collide on Samantha Kelly Smith‘s canvases. These abstract paintings resemble stormy oceans and turbulent skies, sometimes inhabited by enigmatic figures who sink into the pathways of the brush strokes. Rather than depicting the places we see, Smith is portraying our internal landscape—where consciousness and unconsciousness meet. This ongoing series is titled Imagined Landscapes and focuses on personal and existential feelings that can also be universally applied.


June 27, 2023

23 YouTube Channels To Teach You How To Paint for Free

Always wanted to learn how to paint, but were afraid to enroll in a class? Free online painting tutorials may be right up your alley, helping you get comfortable with both basic and advanced techniques right from home. Whether you are interested in acrylic or oil painting or learning how to use watercolors, there is no shortage of excellent YouTube channels to help you get started.


6月25日, 2023

Artist Burns Intricate Landscapes Onto Pieces of Reclaimed Wood

块再生木材有第二人生through the art of Jynae Bergeron. The Canada-based artist, better known as Art & Airplanes, practices pyrography, a technique that involves using a heated metal pen to burn wood. In this way, she renders striking modern designs inspired by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Originally from Saskatchewan, Bergeron says she discovered her love of the Western landscape over time.

